Crime Incidents map and Crime Riskmap
CrimeoMeter generates crime incidents maps and crime riskmaps overlays available through an API. The CrimeoMeter crime maps overlays are displayed on top of a base map (such as Google Maps or Mapbox).
If you currently don't have your own map, CrimeoMeter also can provide a full Embeddable Crime Map.
Crime risk for our Crime Riskmap is calculated as CSI (CrimeoMeter Safety index) as follows:
1- Crimes types are grouped (violent crimes and property crimes)
2- The total number of these crimes is calculated in each area normalized per 1000 population.
Note: Nationwide average for the US is 65 crime incidents per 1,000 population.
3- The result is then normalized in a 0-100 scale (0 is lowest and 100 is highest crime risk) for CSI (CrimeoMeter Safety index).
Note: Considering US nationwide average, if the result in previous step is 130+ crime incidents per 1,000 population, CSI will be 100.
Visualization Examples: